Nursing Dose
Reset and Reconnect with Heart to Heart: Spiritual Care Through Deep Listening By Clare Biedenharn
Nurses and healthcare workers have been through a lot lately. The pandemic and everything that comes with it has pushed us to our limits. We need to reset and reconnect to ourselves and patients. Clare's book will help us achieve...
Flag Games: When to Plant Your Flag and When to Wave the White Flag (Surrender)
Sometimes we can be so focused on one goal that we miss the opportunity to exit gracefully. We just sort of refuse to acknowledge what the universe is trying to tell us. As nurses, it is imperative that we are...
Flying Blind: The Benefits of Being the First
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Somewhere in a tall tree as the sun peaks through the clouds a plump baby bird has been nudged by his mother out of the nest. He’s tumbling. His heart and body races passed this quickening new normal. There...
You’re Already Great, Lean Into Your Greatness
I think we spend entirely too much time as nurses trying to get to a point were we feel “adequate” as a nurse. Read that again. So you are saving lives, caring for people, being an emotional sponge, sacrificing time from you family and community and the end goal is for you to feel “adequate”?. -
You Can't Pour From An Empty Cup
You have a duty to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. You can't pour from an empty vessel. Read as we delve into avoiding fatigue and burnout by keeping our cups full.